The story begins with a young man named John who is a huge fan of 3D porn comics. One day, he discovers a new comic on the internet called "Yoga Trainer Pharah" illustrated by SalamandraNinja creator. John is immediately intrigued by the title and decides to download the comic.
As he starts reading the comic, he is drawn into the story of a beautiful yoga trainer named Pharah who is also a skilled fighter. Pharah is hired by a wealthy businessman to train his bodyguards in yoga and combat. However, things take a sexual turn when Pharah discovers that the businessman is also a fan of hentai parody, big penis, bukkake, bodybuilder girl, muscle girl, dick girl, futanari, flexible girl, and footjob.
Pharah decides to use her skills to seduce the businessman and his bodyguards, and they all engage in a series of erotic encounters that include big penises, bukkake, bodybuilder girls, muscle girls, and futanari. The story culminates in a final scene where Pharah uses her flexibility to perform a series of footjobs on the businessman and his bodyguards.
Overall, John is highly satisfied with the comic and decides to download more of SalamandraNinja creator's work. He also decides to start practicing yoga himself to improve his flexibility and maybe even attract some sexy women like Pharah.
Pages: 38 /
Size: 25.07 MB